- Country nomenclature and groupings
- Historical Data 1900-1960 on IMTS
- Correlation between ISIC and SITC codes (or Commodity and Industry)
- Conversion factors and current/constant value
- Which new data items have been added to UN Comtrade datasets?
- What are the data sources for UN Comtrade?
- Supplementary Quantity Units
- Reporters and Partners
- Taiwan, Province of China Trade Data
- Data Conversion
- Intermediate Goods in Trade Statistics
- HS 2017 Code 3002.19 and HS 2022 code 3822.19
- Non-Monetary Gold in Trade Classifications (SITC, HS)
- Areas not elsewhere specified
- Why are China’s re-imports so high?
- Second Partner Country
- UN Comtrade and UNData
- Tariffline product code description
- Shuttle Trade
- Trade with itself
- Reporter country codes and their custom areas
- Reported and Converted Data: Commodity Conversion Issues
- Quantity unit information in detailed level data
- Data Confidentiality in UN Comtrade
- EU in UN Comtrade
- Definition of luxury goods
- Exports from one country may not always align perfectly with the imports of its trading partners.
- Changes in trade reporting practices of countries with colonies
- Reporting Period – Calendar Year
- Measurement of iron trade, specifically in used cars
- Leasing of aircraft – financial leasing
- Hong Kong trade with China
- Historical data on International Merchandise Trade Statistics (1900-1960)
- Free Zones and Bunkers
- Food provided on airlines – Transportation Services
- Country Codes
- China: Data availability before 1984
- Italy: Change in Statistical Territory